Stage Two
To take account for emerging turbine technologies and improved efficiencies in site design, a modification application was submitted to the NSW DPIE for Stage Two of the project.
The modified design has been developed in parallel with further environmental assessments to minimise any increase in environmental impacts. The modification increases the Stage Two wind turbine tip height to 200m, improves the turbine layout and proposed other minor modifications to the design.
All materials relating to the project modification can be found on the NSW Major Projects Register.
The modification was approved by the Independent Planning Commission on 13th December 2019. Construction of Stage Two is expected to start late 2020/early 2021.
EPBC Referral
The proposed action (modification application for stage two) allows the relocation of wind turbines, increased turbine dimensions, modified property details and other minor variations.
The proposed action has been determined to be a ‘controlled action’ under the EPBC Act (EPBC 2018/8156). The controlling provision under the EPBC Act is ‘listed threatened species and communities’ (Sections 18 and 18A).
Documentation for the proposed action can be downloaded from the link here (zip file 27MB).
Please contact us if you have any questions or comments about stage two of the project.